MUWAT Kentucky Fire Cured

MUWAT Kentucky Fire Cured | Iwan Ries & Co.

Kentucky Fire Cured is not something new to the world of tobacco, as it has been grown for over 200 years. Easily compared to the smokey taste attributed to a peaty scotch, the KFC picks up nuances of the roasted hickory, oak or maple wood

In addition to the fire cured tobaccos of Kentucky and Dark Fire Cured of Virginia, we are finishing the two year project of our fire cured tobaccos from another country which DE will not disclose until a time closer to the actual release of the brand. We’ll just say this: they don’t speak English, Italian or Spanish in this region of the world.

Brand A - Z   |  Brand Z - A  |  Price Low - High  |  Price High - Low  |  Best Selling  |  New Arrivals


MUWAT Kentucky Fire Cured Chunky - Click for details
MUWAT Kentucky Fire Cured Chunky
46 x 4

Bundle of 10 - MSRP: $74.00
Your Price: $66.00
Single - $7.40

MUWAT Kentucky Fire Cured Fat Molly - Click for details
MUWAT Kentucky Fire Cured Fat Molly
56 x 5

Bundle of 10 - MSRP: $86.50
Your Price: $77.85
Single - $8.65

MUWAT Kentucky Fire Cured Just a Friend - Click for details
MUWAT Kentucky Fire Cured Just a Friend
52 x 6

Bundle of 10 - MSRP: $101.50
Your Price: $91.35
Single - $10.15