Rated #3 Cigar of 2009 by Cigar Aficiando.
"José “Pepin” Garcia has taken the premium cigar world by storm. Once an acclaimed cigar roller in Havana, Garcia immigrated to the United States in 2003 and set up shop in a tiny fabrica in Miami’s famed Little Havana, making cigars of remarkable quality, teeming with flavor.
The first cigar of his to achieve fame was Tatuaje, which he makes for Pete Johnson. Soon his own cigars began to scoop up industry accolades. Garcia’s son Jaime, a talented blender in his own right, secretly went to work in Nicaragua on a new cigar blend, which he intended to hide from his father. Pepin learned that Jaime was preparing something new without the jefe’s permission. “I found out, and asked Jaime for three cigars,” said Pepin. Jaime handed them over. Pepin smoked them that night. The next day, he was moved when his son told him that he intended to name the brand “My Father.”
The cigars feature Nicaraguan tobacco that the Garcias grew themselves and a Habano seed wrapper from Ecuador from the maestros at Tampa, Florida’s, Oliva Tobacco Co. The combination creates a stunning amount of rich flavor: the cigar is meaty, with leather and coffee bean flavors. The Garcia’s company now bears the name “My Father Cigars”—it’s a fitting tribute passed from son to father, and back again."
#3 Cigar of 2009