Dupont Derby Le Grand

Dupont Derby Le Grand

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S.T. Dupont has outpaced its expertise by creating the world's first-ever lighter with a dual ignition system: a soft and torch adjustable flame in the same lighter. The Le Grand is a bit larger than the Line 2 lighter and can fit perfectly in your pocket. The soft double flame gently heats your cigar, while the torch flame helps to light it in a perfect circle.

The S.T. Dupont Le Grand Collection is designed with a strong cigar identity, designing the logo on the lighter as if it was on a cigar, is completely handcrafted in France, and has 3 month autonomy (324 ignitions for one cigar a day). The flames are adjustable at the base of the lighter and is refillable using S.T. Dupont's red/gray bottle gas.

Ligne 2